On 28 March 2025 the government assumed a Caretaker role. Information on websites maintained by Parks Australia will be published in accordance with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions until after the conclusion of the caretaker period.

Anbinik flower. Photo: J Wrigley / Australian National Botanic Gardens / [APII](https://www.anbg.gov.au/photo/)

Anbinik flower. Photo: J Wrigley / Australian National Botanic Gardens / [APII](https://www.anbg.gov.au/photo/)

The anbinik is the giant of the Arnhem Plateau, with a trunk that can measure more than three metres in diameter.

Found in the valleys and sandstone gorges of the escarpment, anbiniks have shiny dark green leaves growing in sets of three.

These hardy trees flower every three to seven years during Kunumeleng (October–December), producing small cream flowers with feathery stamens. The fruits open in late Kudjewk (February–March) and let their seeds fall to the ground to germinate.

Anbinik forests provide homes for numerous animals. Take a stroll under the shade of these huge trees to hear the sounds of Kakadu’s endemic white-lined honeyeaters.


Bininj/Mungguy use the anbinik’s sticky sap as an antiseptic for cuts and sores. The wood is sometimes used to make fighting sticks.

These trees are very sensitive to fire, so anbinik forests are traditionally excluded from patch burning. Instead, Bininj/Mungguy burn the area at the edge of the forest to create a fire break.

Scientific name

Allosyncarpia ternata