Kakadu Visitor Boom
Kakadu National Park recorded its highest visitor numbers in 13 years with 208,056 visitors to the park in 2022.

The bounce back in 2022 follows the major disruption to the tourism industry resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic over the past few years.
Domestic tourism was a huge driver of visitation to Kakadu in 2022, with almost half of all visitors to the park coming from Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland.
Victorians made up 20 per cent of visitors in 2022 while 18 per cent were from NSW and 10 per cent from Queensland.
The most popular seasons for visitors were Yekke, which runs from May to mid-June, and Wurrkeng, which runs from mid-June to mid-August. Some of the most popular activities included rock art viewing, bushwalking, wildlife spotting and boat cruises.
These are the highest visitor numbers since 2009 and it comes at a time of strong investment in Kakadu that will result in improvements that provide greater certainty to tourism operators and extended visitor access to Kakadu National Park and its tourism attractions.
The spectacular new $3 million Cahills Crossing viewing area will give visitors more opportunity to see crocodiles gather on mass, from the safety of three viewing platforms.
We’re also gearing up for another blockbuster year of events with Karrimanjbekkan An-me Kakadu – Taste of Kakadu, taking place from 13-21 May and Kakadu Bird Week flying back from 28 September to 3 October.
Our popular seasonal guided activities program will be back too.
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